
All the schooling, conditions one into the silos of discipline, with can and cannot (or) like and dislike. The more one attaches to disciplines of the world, one narrows down to specifics.

However, when one cultivates the will to choose being conditioned and de-conditioned, then, the specific and the Universal become evident simultaneously. The one who is able to exercise the will thus is a Leader who is able to get into specific as it deems fit, but yet keeps the focus on the larger picture.

The one who remains conditioned – becomes a team-player at the max. The one who solely looks at the larger picture manages the show. However, when one is able to choose at will between conditioning and deconditioning the LEADER emerges.

While the schooling has effected the IQ, the power to exercise the will comes with practice, which is about enhancing the EQ. While one traverses the path of inner journey, exploring the experience of the Spirit, one enables SQ to raise.

A person with IQ often remains conditioned. A person with EQ manages the situation. A person with SQ leads all.

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